Andrew successfully defends his Ph.D. Thesis on drone-drone quantum key distribution and quantum position verification.
Postdoctoral researcher, Sanjukta Kundu, received the award for her poster on Surpassing detector jitter: Pulse-width-resolved single-photon detection via frequency up-conversion.
SEAQUE has been featured on and The Quantum Insider.
Read the article to find out more about the Space Entanglement and Annealing QUantum Experiment (SEAQUE).
LabEscape finishes up a fabulous run at the APS March Meeting, with over 385 Agents participating in 50 missions to save the world!
Aarya Mehta wins the Top Undergraduate Presenter award at the Future of Physics Days event for a poster on the Vision Project.
Kwiat group members express their joy of science -and their latest results- at the 2024 March Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
Members of the Lorenz and Kwiat Groups introduce the first publicly accessible quantum network! Read more
Members of the Kwiat Group had the pleasure of meeting 2022 Physics Nobel Laureates Anton Zeilinger and John F. Clauser at the APS March Meeting 2023.
Read more about current and future efforts in realizing photonic quantum networks.
Watch Paul talk about Quantum Information, photons, and swing dancing!
Colin Lualdi has been selected as a 2022-2023 Mavis Future Faculty Fellow. This program is designed to help current doctoral students become the next generation of engineering faculty. Read more
Graduate students Kelsey Ortiz and Colin Lualdi hosted a booth titled “Science: The Final Frontier” at the Star Trek: Mission Chicago convention, where they presented demos on applications of science in daily life and beyond. Read more
Watch Colin Lualdi featured on “This is Quantum!”, a World Quantum Day video made by the Q-12 Education Partnership, spearheaded by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and NSF. Link
Read more about how 5th Year PhD student Colin Lualdi is making quantum science accessible to the Deaf community.
Read more about CAPSat’s launch into Low Earth orbit (LEO) and its impact on quantum information and communication.
Read More about Kwiat Group undergrad Scott Turro’s internship with Qubitekk, Inc.— a startup devoted to quantum components and systems.
Read more about Kwiat Group undergrad Scott Turro’s internship with Qubitekk, Inc.— a startup devoted to quantum components and systems.
Read more about Gabrielle Jones-Hall’s HQAN (Hybrid Quantum Architectures and Networks) summer internship with Paul Kwiat.
The Kwiat Group competed against 35 other teams in a three-day virtual pitch competition hosted by the Innovare Advancement Center in Rome, NY and sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Our proposal for quantum-enhanced interferometry was selected to be one of the 17 winners. Read More
Paul Kwiat will lead the Quantum Communication thrust of the $115-million Q-NEXT Department of Energy center in support of the developing “quantum economy”. Read More
Paul Kwiat shares his thoughts on satellite-based quantum communication. Read More
Second-year PhD student, Andrew Conrad, received a 2020 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship. Andrew follows previous Kwiat Group NDSEG award winners, Alex Hill, Kristina Meier, and Joseph Chapman.
Paul Kwiat shared his vision for the future of multi-photon quantum processing with the CLEO community during his plenary talk, highlighting key contributions made by the Kwiat Group. Read More
Body: Colin Lualdi, Kristina Meier, and Paul Kwiat attended the Single Photon Workshop in Milan, Italy, presenting the time-multiplexed single-photon source, non-degenerate waveguide entanglement source, and detection of single photons with the human eye. Read More
The Kwiat Group has developed the world’s most efficient single-photon source, using spontaneous parametric downconversion and time-multiplexing techniques, paving the way for large-scale optical quantum information processing. Read More
Andrew Conrad and Colin Lualdi, graduate students in the Kwiat Quantum Information Group, had the opportunity to meet the Governor of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker, in anticipation of the state’s $100 million investment in quantum information research at the University of Illinois. Read More
Paul Kwiat’s LabEscape, a science-based escape room experience, is designed to make the wonder of science accessible to everyone. Read More
Paul Kwiat will serve as the inaugural director of the new Illinois Quantum Information Science and Technology center (IQUIST), founded with a $15 mullion investment from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Read More
We welcome first years Colin Lualdi and Dalton Chaffee to the group! Dalton was awarded the NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship in April 2017, which is awarded to graduate students “who show significant potential to contribute to NASA’s goal of creating innovative new space technologies.” Colin was awarded both an NSF GRFP fellowship and a College of Engineering SURGE Fellowship. Congratulations!
Post-doc Fumihiro Kaneda generates synchronized photons using quantum memories. Read more about this and measurement-device-independent QKD here.
Graduate student Alex Hill published work on optimization of single-mode collection on the single-photon level using a deformable mirror.
First-year graduate student Joseph Chapman was awarded an NDSEG fellowship from the Department of Defense, and was also offered a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation. Congratulations!
Professor S. has gone missing. Four government agents have disappeared. Can you solve the mystery, save the free world, and maybe learn something too? The world’s first science-based escape room is now open in Urbana, IL, a physics outreach project developed by Professor Paul Kwiat with support from the American Physical Society and Physics Illinois.
Full December 2016 issue available to subscribers. Read Rebecca Holmes’ article about seeing single photons here (no subscription needed):
Graduate students Courtney Krafczyk, Rebecca Holmes, Michelle Victora and JJ Wong, and undergraduate Sheldon Schlie were the winners of the OSA Enabled by Optics contest with their video about the optics of fingerprint sensors! The video explains total internal reflection and other optics concepts with cartoons and demonstrations.
Third-year graduate student Michelle Victora was selected as a 2016-2017 Mavis Future Faculty Fellow by the College of Engineering. First-year graduate student Kristina Meier was awarded an NDSEG fellowship from the Department of Defense, and was also offered a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation. Congratulations!
We used entangled photons to test quantum non-locality in ways that were previously beyond experimental reach, and achieved the “most nonlocal” correlations ever reported. Read more in the open-access paper: “Exploring the Limits of Quantum Nonlocality with Entangled Photons,” Bradley G. Christensen, Yeong-Cherng Liang, Nicolas Brunner, Nicolas Gisin, and Paul G. Kwiat in Physical Review X.
Can you see a single photon? Quantum optics may help us find out. Read more: “Squinting to see a single photon” via APS News
Congratulations to graduate students Brad Christensen and Michael Wayne, former undergraduate Daniel Kumor, and researchers from NIST and several other institutions, who have used entangled photons in a loophole-free Bell test. We also thank graduate student Kristina Meier and undergraduates Joseph Chapman and Malhar Jere. Take a walk through the experiment in this video, and read more:
Find out how optical fingerprint sensors use total internal reflection in this video by Kwiat group members. (And vote for us in the the OSA Enabled by Optics contest before November 17!)
Physics and psychology unite! We’re using quantum optics to find out whether humans can see a single photon (and maybe even its superposition). Read more:
The mathematical properties of a donut (or torus) can be used to communicate quantum information more efficiently. Read more:
We demonstrated a superdense teleportation protocol for higher-fidelity transmission of quantum information with fewer experimental resources: “Superdense teleportation of quantum information,” Trent Graham et al. in Nature Communications. Read more on the Physics Illinois website.
We demonstrated a source that produces pure heralded single photons and polarization-entangled pairs without unwanted spectral correlations. Former graduate student Kevin Zielnicki is the lead author: “Engineering of near-IR photon pairs to be factorable in space-time and entangled in polarization” in Optics Express.
Fourth-year graduate student and NSF Graduate Research Fellow Rebecca Holmes was featured in a social media series on women in science for Women’s History Month.
Second-year graduate student Alex Hill received a three-year National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship from the Department of Defense.
Can you see a single photon? We’re seeking volunteers to help us find out. Read more about our single-photon vision research and fill out an interest form here.
“Detection-Loophole-Free Test of Quantum Nonlocality, and Applications.” DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.130406. We used a source of entangled photons to violate a Bell inequality free of the “fair-sampling” assumption. This work was selected as an Editor’s Suggestion and was featured in Physics. Read more about tests of nonlocality on our Research page.
Second-year graduate student Courtney Byard received a 2013 Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation. Rising senior undergraduate David Schmid received a 2013 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship. Second-year graduate student Rebecca Holmes also received an NSF fellowship in 2012.