We perform the first general relativistic force-free simulations of neutron star magnetospheres in orbit about spinning and non-spinning black holes. We find promising precursor electromagnetic emission: typical Poynting luminosities at, e.g., an orbital separation of are erg/s. The Poynting flux peaks within a broad beam of ~ 40o in the azimuthal direction and within ~ 60o from the orbital plane, establishing a possible lighthouse effect. Our calculations, though preliminary, preview more detailed simulations of these systems that we plan to perform in the future.
These visualizations were created using both VisIt and ZIB Amira software [D. Stalling, M. Westerhoff, and H.-C. Hege, in The Visualization Handbook; Amira: A Highly Interactive System for Visual Data Analysis, edited by C. D. Hansen and C. R. Johnson (Elsevier, 2005) Chap. 38, pp. 749-767, ISBN 978-0-12-387582-2]. We gratefully acknowledge ZIB Amira for providing us a license.