Evolution of Magnetic Fields

  1. Slowly Rotating Star
  2. Rapidly Rotating Star

Slowly Rotating Star

Here, we follow the evolution of the magnetic fields of a slowly rotating neutron star. The star is essentially spherical in shape. Yellow lines depict the magnetic field of the neutron star while the transparent surface depicts the location of the light cylinder. The times are normalized to the neutron star rotation period T = 2π/Ω.

Fig. 1-1: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 0
Fig. 1-1: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 0
Fig. 1-2: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 0.95
Fig. 1-2: Magnetic fields at time t/T =0.95
Fig. 1-3: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 1.63
Fig. 1-3: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 1.63
Fig. 1-4: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 3.14
Fig. 1-4: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 3.14
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Rapidly Rotating Star

Here, we follow the evolution of the magnetic fields of a rapidly rotating neutron star. The star is oblate due to its rapid spin. Yellow lines depict the magnetic field of the neutron star while the transparent surface depicts the location of the light cylinder, calculated in GR. The times are normalized to the neutron star rotation period T = 2π/Ω.

Fig. 2-1: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 0
Fig. 2-1: Top view of magnetic fields at time t/T = 0
Fig. 2-2: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 5.0
Fig. 2-2: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 5.0
Fig. 2-3: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 9.3
Fig. 2-3: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 9.3
Fig. 2-4: Magnetic fields at time t/T = 16.6
Fig. 2-4: Top view of magnetic fields at time t/T = 16.6
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