A Bar-Unstable Hypermassive Neutron Star:
T/W ~ 0.25


The green line represents the division between stable (white) and bar-unstable (black) hypermassive neutron star cases. The division is at T/W ~ 0.24-0.25. Below we choose a configuration with T/W ~ 0.25, in the unstable region. The yellow arrow indicates the specific model we are examining.

Scene 1: Initial Conditions of Bar-Unstable Star

Scene 2: Evolution of Bar-Unstable Star

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This animation shows the evolution of the outer surface of the neutron star. It loses stability and axisymmetry, forming a bar-like structure.

Scene 3: Density profile of Bar-Unstable Star

indicates the central density, while indicates the maximum density.

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After time evolves the star exhibits instability, forming a bar-like structure.

Scene 4: Generation of Gravitational Radiation

This is a two-dimensional color representation of the gravitational wave amplitudes in a plane containing the rotation axis. At large distances, the waves assume a quadrupole-like angular dependence.

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This animation shows the same gravitational wave amplitude measure by the height above a plane containing the rotation axis.

last updated 5 Nov 14 aakhan3