Density and Magnetic Field Evolution

Density and Magnetic Field Evolution

Here we look at the initial and final configurations of the rest-mass density, magnetic field, and velocity flow. The rest-mass density is normalized to the maximum density at $t/M = 0$. The SMS collapses, forming a SMBH immersed in a disk of gas. After the formation of the SMBH, a shockwave is produced and pushes matter outwards from the disk. Shortly after, we see the helical magnetic field lines become collimated and tightly wound above the black hole poles. The field lines form a funnel which drives and confines the matter in the jet.

Fig. 1-1: Density and magnetic fields at time t/M = 0
Fig. 1-1: Density and magnetic fields at time t/M = 0
Fig. 1-2: Density and magnetic fields at time t/M = 9663
Fig. 1-2: Density and magnetic fields at time t/M = 9663
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