Initial Configuration

Supermassive Star

We consider an SMS model just prior to collapse, when it is described by a uniformly rotating $\Gamma=1.339$ polytrope spinning at the mass-shedding limit. The SMS is of mass M and has an angular momentum $J/M^2=0.68$. The equatorial radius of the star is $R_{\rm eq}=286M \approx 4.20\times 10^8\,({M}/{10^6M_{\odot}})$ km; the polar radius satisfies $R_p/R_{eq}=0.67$. This model is marginally unstable to radial instability due to GR, which triggers the collapse. The SMS is seeded with a dipole-like magnetic field which extends from to stellar interior into the exterior. We choose the magnetic field strength so that the ratio of magnetic to the rotational kinetic energy is $\mathcal{M}/\mathcal{T} = 0.1$. The average magnetic field strength is given by $\langle B\rangle = 1.5\times{10^7}({10^6\,M_\odot}/{M})$ G.