Density and Magnetic Field Evolution

Here we look at the time evolution of the rest-mass density and magnetic fields. The rest-mass density is normalized to the maximum density at $t/M = 189$. Time is measured in $M = 1.1 \times 10^{-2} (M_{NS} /1.8M_{\odot} ) \ ms$ . The neutron stars spiral inwards until they merge and undergo a prompt collapse to form a black hole. After formation of the black hole, the magnetic field lines point radially away from the black hole, indicating no jet is launched. The resulting disk is the smallest of all the cases.

Fig. 1-1: Density and magnetic fields at time t/M = 189
Fig. 1-1: Density and magnetic fields
Fig. 1-2: Density and magnetic fields at time t/M = 425
Fig. 1-2: Density and magnetic fields, from above
Fig. 1-3: Density and magnetic fields at time t/M = 1362
Fig. 1-3: Density and magnetic fields
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