Case B: Unmagnetized and Neutrinos (Simplified)

Density Evolution with Simplified Neutrino Processes

Here we look at the time evolution of the rest-mass density and magnetic fields. The binaries consist of identical irrotational neutron stars, each of rest-mass $M_{0}$ = 1.51 $M_{\odot}$, with total ADM mass M = 2.7 $M_{\odot}$. The rest-mass density is normalized to its initial central value. Time is measured in $M = 1.32 \times 10^{-2} \rm ms$. The neutron stars spiral inwards, forming a hypermassive neutron star (HMNS) and a disk of matter that orbits it. Shortly after merger, we insert neutrino transfer using a simplified M1 closure scheme that only evolves one neutrino species ($\bar{\nu}_e$) and considers only charged-current interactions. Eventually the HMNS undergoes delayed collapse, and a BH is formed. The BH remnant has a final spin of $a_{BH}/M_{BH} \approx 0.71$. No jet is triggered.

Fig. 1-1: Density, Magnetic Fields, and Spin
Fig. 1-1: Density
Fig. 1-2: Density and Magnetic Fields
Fig. 1-2: Density
Fig. 1-3: Density and Magnetic Fields
Fig. 1-3: Density
Fig. 1-4: Density and Magnetic Fields
Fig. 1-4: Density
Fig. 1-5: Density and Magnetic Fields
Fig. 1-5: Density
Fig. 1-6: Density and BH Remnant
Fig. 1-6: Density