Gravitational Waveform Comparison

Waveform Analysis

Figure 1 compares the waveforms for all 8 cases:

Hsp0.36: Unmagnetized Aligned High Spin
Hsp0.24: Unmagnetized Aligned Low Spin
Hirrot: Unmagnetized Irrotational
Hsm0.05: Unmagnetized Anit-Aligned Spin

Msp0.36: Magnetized Aligned High Spin
Msp0.24: Magnetized Aligned Low Spin
Mirrot: Magnetized Irrotational
Msm0.05: Magnetized Anit-Aligned Spin

The initial chirp shows the inspiral waveform, which is increasing in frequency and amplitude as the neutron stars undergo inspiral. The maximum amplitude occurs following their plunge and merger. The final rigndown characterizes the spindown of the HMNS remnant. If the HMNS undergoes delayed collapse to a BH, the gravitational wave emission damps to zero.

Fig. 1-1: Waveforms for all unmagnetized cases Fig. 1-2: Waveforms for all magnetized cases
Fig 1: Plots of $h_{+}$ vs. $(t-r)$ of all magnetized and unmagnetized cases. The left panel is all unmagnetized cases. The right panel is all magnetized cases.