Density Evolution

Case D: Unmagnetized Anti-Aligned Spin: $\mathbf{\chi_{\rm \textbf{NS}} = a/m = -0.053}$

Here we look at the time evolution of the rest-mass density. The rest-mass density is normalized to its initial value. Time is measured in $M = 1.5 \times 10^{-2} (M_{NS} /1.625M_{\odot} ) \rm ms$. The neutron stars spiral inwards, forming a hypermassive neutron star (HMNS) and a disk of matter that orbits it. Eventually the HMNS undergoes delayed collapse, and a black hole is formed. We can see that the matter is concentrated in a disk around the black hole.

Fig. 1-1: Density and Spin at time t/M = 0
Fig. 1-1: Density and Spin at time t/M = 0
Fig. 1-2: Neutron Stars Touching
Fig. 1-2: Neutron Stars Touching
Fig. 1-3: Final Black Hole
Fig. 1-3: Final Black Hole
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