Initial Configuration

Both stars obey a n = 1 polytropic equation of state, P=Kρ0Γ, at t = 0. They are evolved according to the adiabatic law, P=(Γ-1)ρ0ε. Here P is the pressure, K the polytropic gas constant, Γ is the adiabatic index, &epsilon is the specific internal energy, and ρ0 is the rest-mass density. We chose Γ = 2 to mimick stiff nuclear matter. Both stars are irrotational (nonspinning) and are in a quasiequilibrium circular orbit.

We consider three different NSNS binaries:

With the adopted equation of state, the maximum nondimensional rest mass for an isolated, spherical star is M0 = 0.180.

last updated 1 Mar. 09 by TC