Density and Magnetic Field Evolution

Case C: Mass Ratio 3:1, Spin 0

In this case, mass ratio $q=3$ and spin $a/M=0$. The rest-mass density is normalized to the maximum density at $t = 0$. Time is measured from the beginning of the simulation in $M=2.5\times 10^{-2} (M_{NS}/1.4M_{\odot}) \ $ms. The neutron star spirals in towards the black hole until it is tidally disrupted, forming a disk of matter that orbits the black hole. The magnetic field lines become somewhat (but not completely) collimated above and below the black hole and that matter is not ejected. The field lines above the poles are not able to form a helical wall to drive and confine matter. No jet is launched during the simulation.

Fig. 2-1: Initial configuration

Fig. 2-2: Tidal disruption of neutron star

Fig. 2-3: Post merger black hole and magnetic field

Fig. 2-4: Failure to form a jet
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