Selected Publications

(Dissertations can be found on the People page)

Optimal qubit circuits for quantum-enhanced telescopes. R. Czuprniak, J. Steinmetz, P.  G. Kwiat, and A. N. Jordan. Phys. Rev. A 108, 052408, 2023. [ DOI | pdf ]
Drone-based quantum communication links. A. P. Conrad, S. D. Isaac, R. Cochran, D. Sanchez-Rosales, T. Rezaei, T.  Javid, A.  J. Schroeder, G.  Golba, D. Gauthier, and P. G. Kwiat. Photonics West, 2023. [ DOI | pdf ]
Free-space photonic quantum memory. N. T. Arnold, M. M. Victora, M. E. Goggin, and P. G. Kwiat. Photonics West, 2023. [ DOI | pdf ]
Toward vibration measurement via frequency-entangled two-photon interferometry. S. J. Johnson, C. P. Lualdi, A. P. Conrad, N. T. Arnold, M. Vayninger, and P. G. Kwiat. Photonics West, 2023. [ DOI | pdf ]
Long-distance entanglement distribution through satellite intermediary entanglement swapping. J. C. Floyd and P. G. Kwiat. Photonics West, 2023. [ DOI | pdf ]
On-chip analysis of time-bin encoded photons. U. Purakayastha, B. E. Nussbaum, J. C. Floyd, C. C. Evans, J. E. Hensley, and P. G. Kwiat. Photonics West, 2023. [ DOI | pdf ]
Entanglement Verification of Hyperentangled Photon Pairs. C. K. Zeitler, J. C. Chapman, E. Chitambar, and P. G. Kwiat. Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 054025, 2022. [ DOI | pdf ]
Attosecond Quantum Metrology via Highly Non-Degenerate Frequency-Entangled Photons. C. P. Lualdi, S. J. Johnson, K. A. Meier, and P. G. Kwiat. Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science, 2022. [ DOI | pdf ]
Demonstrating Quantum-Enhanced Interferometric Telescopy. D. O. Diaz, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, V. O. Lorenz, and P. G. Kwiat. Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science, 2022. [ DOI | pdf ]
Ultrafast all-optical switching of telecom single photons. U. Purakayastha, C. P. Lualdi, and P. G. Kwiat. Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science, 2022. [ DOI | pdf ]
Hyperentangled Time-bin and Polarization Quantum Key Distribution. J. C. Chapman, C. C. W. Lim, and P. G. Kwiat. Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 044027, 2022. [ DOI | pdf ]
The deep space quantum link: prospective fundamental physics experiments using long-baseline quantum optics. M. Mohageg, et al. EPJ Quantum Technology 9, 25, 2022. [ DOI | pdf ]
Broad-Bandwidth Photonic Quantum Memory. N. T. Arnold, M. M. Victora, M. E. Goggin, and P. G. Kwiat. Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition, 2022. [ DOI | pdf ]
Emulating Turbulence Free Quantum-enhanced Interferometric Telescopy. D. O. Diaz, Y. Zhang, V. O. Lorenz, and P. G. Kwiat. Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition, 2022. [ DOI | pdf ]
Heralded Multiplexed High-Efficiency Cascaded Source of Dual-Rail Entangled Photon Pairs Using Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion. P. Dhara, S. J. Johnson, C. N. Gagatsos, P. G. Kwiat, and S. Guha. Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034071, 2022. [ DOI | pdf ]
Compact entanglement sources for portable quantum information platforms. T. Kouadou, C. P. Lualdi, S. J. Johnson, K. Meier, J. Aller, B. Slezak, T. Roberts, P. Battle and P. G. Kwiat. Photonics West, 2022. [ DOI | pdf ]
Long-baseline interferometry using single photon states as a non-local oscillator. M. Brown, V. Thiel, M. Allgaier, M. Raymer, B. Smith, P. G. Kwiat, and J. Monnier. Photonics West, 2022. [ DOI | pdf ]
Quantum-Enhanced Interferometry Via Extreme Non-Degenerate Energy-Entangled Photons. C. P. Lualdi, K. A. Meier, S. J. Johnson, and P. G. Kwiat. Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science, 2021. [ DOI | pdf ]
Emulating Quantum-enhanced Long-Baseline Interferometric Telescopy. D. O. Diaz, Y. Zhang, V. O. Lorenz, and P. G. Kwiat. Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science, 2021. [ DOI | pdf ]
Enhanced Weak-Value Amplification via Photon Recycling. C. Krafczyk, A. N. Jordan, M. E. Goggin, and P. G. Kwiat. Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 220801, 2021. [ DOI | pdf ]
Development of Quantum Interconnects (QuICs) for Next-Generation Information Technologies. D. Awschalom, et al. PRX Quantum 2, 017002, 2021. [ DOI | pdf ]
Time-bin and polarization superdense teleportation for space applications. J. C. Chapman, T. Graham, C. Zeitler, and P. G. Kwiat. Phys. Rev. Applied, 2020. [ DOI | pdf ]
Direct excitation of a single quantum dot with cavity-SPDC photons. U. Paudel, J. J. Wong, M. Goggin, P. G. Kwiat, A. S. Bracker, M. Yakes, D. Gammon, and D. G. Steel. Opt. Express 27, 16308-16319, 2019. [ DOI | pdf ]
Towards hyperentangled time-bin and polarization superdense teleportation in space. J. C. Chapman, I. Miller, I. Call, L. Oshiro, M. Zajdela, B. Polak, and P. G. Kwiat. Proc. SPIE 11167, Quantum Technologies and Quantum Information Science V, 1116702, 2019. [ DOI | pdf ]
Time-multiplexed methods for optical quantum information processing. M. Victora, F. Kaneda, F. Bergmann, J. J. Wong, A. Graf, and P. G. Kwiat. Chapter in Springer Advances in Quantum Photonics: from the First Single-photon and Nonlinear Optical Experiments to Modern Quantum Photonics, 2017. [ DOI | pdf ]
High-efficiency single-photon generation via large-scale active time multiplexing. F. Kaneda, and P. G. Kwiat. Science Advances, 2019. [ DOI | pdf ]
Testing the limits of human vision with quantum states of light: past, present, and future experiments. R. M. Holmes, M. M. Victora, R. F. Wang, and P. G. Kwiat. Proc. SPIE 10659, Advanced Photon Counting Techniques XII, 1065903, 2018. [ DOI | pdf ]
Towards nondegenerate polarization entanglement from a waveguide down-conversion source. K. A. Meier, F. Kaneda and P. G. Kwiat. Proc. SPIE 10659, Advanced Photon Counting Techniques XII; 106590K, 2018. [ DOI | pdf ]
Progress towards implementing superdense teleportation in Space. J. Chapman, H. Bernstein, K. Meier, C. Zeitler and P. G. Kwiat. Proc. SPIE 10547, Advances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication XI, 105470E, 2018. [ DOI | pdf ]
Joint spectral characterization of photon-pair sources. K. Zielnicki, K. Garay-Palmett, D. Cruz-Delgado, H. Cruz-Ramirez, M. F. O'Boyle, B. Fang, V. O. Lorenz, A. B. U'Ren and P. G. Kwiat. Journal of Modern Optics, 2018. [ DOI | pdf ]
Measuring temporal summation in visual detection with a single-photon source. R. Holmes, M. Victora, R. F. Wang and P. G. Kwiat. Vision Research, 2017. [ DOI | pdf ]
Quantum-memory-assisted multi-photon generation for efficient quantum information processing. F. Kaneda, F. Xu, J. Chapman and P. G. Kwiat. Optica, 2017. [ DOI | pdf ]
Optimizing single-mode collection from pointlike sources of single photons with adaptive optics. A. D. Hill, D. Hervas, J. Nash, M. Graham, A. Burgers, U. Paudel, D. Steel, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Hofling, J. Wang, J. Lin, W. Zhao and P. G. Kwiat. Optics Express, 2017. [ DOI | pdf ]
Design and Analysis of Communication Protocols for Quantum Repeater Networks. C. Jones, D. Kim, M. Rakher, P. G. Kwiat and T. Ladd. New Journal of Physics, 2016. [ DOI | pdf ]
Precision optical displacement measurements using biphotons. K. Lyons, S. Pang, P. G. Kwiat and A. N. Jordan. Phys. Rev. A, 2016. [ DOI | pdf ]
Super-dense teleportation for space applications. C. Zeitler, T. M. Graham, J. Chapman, H. Bernstein, and P. G. Kwiat. Proceedings of the SPIE 9739, 973912, 2016. [ DOI | pdf ]
Exploring the Limits of Quantum Nonlocality with Entangled Photons. B. G. Christensen, Y.-C. Liang, N. Brunner, N. Gisin, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review X, 2015. [ DOI | pdf ]
Strong Loophole-Free Test of Local Realism. L. K. Shalm et al. Physical Review Letters, 2015. [ DOI | pdf ]
Time-multiplexed heralded single-photon source. F. Kaneda, B. G. Christensen, J. J. Wong, H. S. Park, K. T. McCusker and P. G. Kwiat. Optica, 2015. [ DOI | pdf ]
Superdense Teleporation and Quantum Key Distribution for Space Applications. T. Graham, C. Zeitler, J. Chapman, P. Kwiat, H .Javadi, H. Bernstein. IEEE International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications (ICSOS) New Orleans, USA, 2015. [ DOI | pdf ]
Analysis of coincidence-time loopholes in experimental Bell tests. B. G. Christensen, A. Hill, P. G. Kwiat, E. Knill, S. W. Nam, K. Coakley, S. Glancy, L. K. Shalm and Y. Zhang. Phys. Rev. A, 2015. [ DOI | pdf ]
Heralded single-photon source utilizing highly nondegenerate, spectrally factorable spontaneous parametric downconversion. F. Kaneda, K. Garay-Palmett, A. B. U'Ren and P. G. Kwiat. Optics Express, 2016. [ DOI | pdf ]
Superdense teleportation using hyperentangled photons. T. M. Graham, H. J. Bernstein, T.-C. Wei, M. Junge, and P. G. Kwiat. Nature Communications, 2015. [ DOI | pdf ]
Power-Recycled Weak-Value-Based Metrology. K. Lyons, J. Dressel, A. N. Jordan, J. C. Howell and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review Letters, 2015. [ DOI | pdf ]
Engineering of near-IR photon pairs to be factorable in space-time and entangled in polarization. K. Zielnicki, K. Garay-Palmett, R. Dirks, A. B. U'Ren, and P. G. Kwiat. Optics Express, 2015. [ DOI | pdf ]
Superdense teleportation for space applications. T. M. Graham, H. J. Bernstein, H. Javadi, B. J. Geldzahler, P. G. Kwiat. Proc. SPIE 9123, Quantum Information and Computation XII, 912302, 2014. [ DOI ]
Detection-Loophole-Free Test of Quantum Nonlocality, and Applications. B. G. Christensen, K. T. McCusker, J. B. Altepeter, B. Calkins, T. Gerrits, A. E. Lita, A. Miller, L. K. Shalm, Y. Zhang, S. W. Nam, N. Brunner, C. C. W. Lim, N. Gisin, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review Letters, 2013. [ DOI | pdf ]
Strengthening weak-value amplification with recycled photons. J. Dressel, K. Lyons, A. N. Jordan, T. M. Graham and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review A, 2013. [ DOI | pdf ]
Adjustable and robust methods for polarization-dependent focusing. D. Schmid, T.-Y. Huang, S. Hazrat, R. Dirks, O. Hosten, S. Quint, D. Thian, and P. G. Kwiat. Optics Express, 2013. [ DOI | pdf ]
Hyperentanglement-enabled direct characterization of quantum dynamics. T. M. Graham, J. T. Barreiro, M. Mohseni, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review Letters, 2013. [ DOI | pdf ]
Novel narrow-band spectral interference filter with very high transmittance. J. Bogdanski, A. Danan, S. M. Jobling, K. T. McCusker, S. Quint, A. Smith, J. Smith, and P. G. Kwiat. Journal of Modern Optics, 2011. [ DOI | pdf ]
Engineering an ideal indistinguishable photon-pair source for optical quantum information processing. R. Rangarajan, L. E. Vicent, A. B. U'Ren, and P. G. Kwiat. Journal of Modern Optics, 2011. [ DOI | pdf ]
Polarization dependence on downconversion emission angle: investigation of the "Migdall effect". R. Rangarajan, A. B. U'Ren, and P. G. Kwiat. Journal of Modern Optics, 2011. [ DOI | pdf ]
Design of bright, fiber-coupled and fully factorable photon pair sources. L. E. Vicent, A. B. U'Ren, R. Rangarajan, C. I. Osorio, J. P. Torres, L. Zhang, and I. A. Walmsley. New Journal of Physics, 2010. [ DOI | pdf ]
Remote preparation of single-photon "hybrid" entangled and vector-polarization states. J. T. Barreiro, T. C. Wei, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review Letters, 2010. [ DOI | pdf ]
Low-bias high-speed quantum random number generator via shaped optical pulses. M. A. Wayne and P. G. Kwiat. Optics Express, 2010. [ DOI | pdf ]
A "virtual-interferometer" technique for surface metrology. S. M. Jobling and P. G. Kwiat. Optics Express, 2010. [ DOI | pdf ]
Quantum process estimation via generic two-body correlations. M. Mohseni, A. T. Rezakhani, J. T. Barreiro, P. G. Kwiat and A. Aspuru-Guzik Physical Review A, 2010. [ DOI | pdf ]
Efficient Optical Quantum State Engineering. K. T. McCusker and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review Letters, 2009. [ DOI | pdf ]
Optimizing type-I polarization-entangled photons. R. Rangarajan, M. E. Goggin, and P. G. Kwiat. Optics Express, 2009. [ DOI | pdf ]
High-efficiency quantum state engineering. K. T. McCusker, R. Rangarajan, and P. G. Kwiat. Proceedings of SPIE, 2009. [ DOI | pdf ]
Photon arrival time quantum random number generation. M. A. Wayne, E. R. Jeffrey, G. M. Akselrod, and P. G. Kwiat. Journal of Modern Optics, 2009. [ DOI | pdf ]
Hyperentanglement for advanced quantum communication. J. T. Barreiro, and P. Kwiat. SPIE 7092, 2008. [ pdf ]
Quantum information - An integrated light circuit. P. G. Kwiat. Nature, 2008. [ DOI | pdf ]
Beating the channel capacity limit for linear photonic superdense coding. J. T. Barreiro, T.-C. Wei, and P. G. Kwiat. Nature Physics, 2008. [ DOI | pdf ]
Observation of the spin hall effect of light via weak measurements. O. Hosten and P. G. Kwiat. Science, 2008. [ DOI | pdf ]
Phase-compensated ultra-bright source of entangled photons: erratum. G. M. Akselrod, J. B. Altepeter, E. R. Jeffrey, and P. G. Kwiat. Optics Express, 2007. [ pdf ]
Hyperentangled Bell-state analysis. T.-C. Wei, J. T. Barreiro, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review A, 2007. [ DOI | pdf ]
A do-it-yourself quantum eraser. R. Hillmer, and P. Kwiat. Sci. Amer. 296, 90, 2007. [ Website | pdf ]
High-visibility interferometric measurement of the diffraction phase. S. Barraza-Lopez, D. F. V. James, and P. G. Kwiat. JOSA A, 2007. [ DOI | pdf ]
High-speed transparent switch via frequency upconversion. A. P. VanDevender and P. G. Kwiat. Optics Express, 2007. [ DOI | pdf ]
Quantum transduction via frequency upconversion. A. P. VanDevender and P. G. Kwiat. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2007. [ DOI | pdf ]
Relativistic Quantum Cryptography. E. R. Jeffrey, J. B. Altepeter, and P. Kwiat. Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America), 2006. [ DOI | pdf ]
High-efficiency single-photon detectors. R. Rangarajan, J. B. Altepeter, E. R. Jeffrey, M. J. A. Stoutimore, N. A. Peters, O. Hosten, and P. G. Kwiat. Proceedings of SPIE, 2006. [ DOI | pdf ]
Towards a quasi-deterministic single-photon source. N. A. Peters. Proceedings of SPIE, 2006. [ DOI | pdf ]
Optical Implementation of Quantum Orienteering. E. R. Jeffrey, J. B. Altepeter, M. Colci, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review Letters, 2006. [ DOI | pdf ]
Counterfactual quantum computation through quantum interrogation. O. Hosten, M. T. Rakher, J. T. Barreiro, N. A. Peters, and P. G. Kwiat. Nature, 2006. [ DOI | pdf ]
Photonic State Tomography. J. B. Altepeter, E. R. Jeffrey, and P. G. Kwiat. Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 2005. [ DOI | pdf ]
Generation of Hyperentangled Photon Pairs. J. T. Barreiro, N. K. Langford, N. A. Peters, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review Letters, 2005. [ DOI | pdf ]
Phase-compensated ultra-bright source of entangled photons. J. B. Altepeter, E. R. Jeffrey, and P. G. Kwiat. Optics Express, 2005. [ DOI | pdf ]
Remote State Preparation: Arbitrary remote control of photon polarizations for quantum communication. N. A. Peters. Proceedings of SPIE, 2005. [ DOI | pdf ]
Experimental methods for detecting entanglement. J. B. Altepeter, E. R. Jeffrey, P. G. Kwiat, and A. Acín. Physical Review Letters, 2005. [ DOI | pdf ]
Remote state preparation: arbitrary remote control of photon polarization. N. A. Peters, J. T. Barreiro, M. E. Goggin, T.-C. Wei, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review Letters, 2005. [ DOI | pdf ]
Synthesizing arbitrary two-photon polarization mixed states. T.-C. Wei, J. B. Altepeter, D. Branning, P. Goldbart, D. F. V. James, E. R. Jeffrey, P. G. Kwiat, S. Mukhopadhyay, and N. A. Peters. Physical Review A, 2005. [ DOI | pdf ]
Schemes for synthesizing arbitrary two-photon polarization mixed states. T.-C. Wei, J. B. Altepeter, D. Branning, P. M. Goldbart, D. F. V. James, E. Jeffrey, P. G. Kwiat, S. Mukhopadhyay, and N. A. Peters. Phys. Rev. A 71, 032329, 2005. [ DOI | pdf ]
Geometric phase for mixed states using single-photon interferometry. M. Ericcson, D. Achilles, J. T. Barreiro, D. Branning, N. A. Peters, and P. G. Kwiat. Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, edited by S. M Barnett et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 734, 370, 2005. [ DOI | pdf ]
Precise creation, characterization, and manipulation of single optical qubits. N. A. Peters, J. B. Altepeter, and E. R. Jeffrey. 2005. [ arXiv | pdf ]
Measurement of geometric phase for mixed states using single photon interferometry. M. Ericsson, D. Achilles, J. T. Barreiro, D. Branning, N. A. Peters, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical review letters, 2005. [ DOI | pdf ]
The conversion revolution: down, up and sideways. P. G. Kwiat, J. B. Altepeter, J. T. Barreiro, M. E. Goggin, E. R. Jeffrey, N. A. Peters, and A. P. VanDevender. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2004. [ DOI | pdf ]
Mixed-state sensitivity of several quantum-information benchmarks. N. A. Peters, T.-C. Wei, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review A, 2004. [ DOI | pdf ]
New results on single-photon upconversion. A. P. VanDevender and P. G. Kwiat. Proceedings of SPIE, 2004. [ DOI | pdf ]
Towards a periodic deterministic source of arbitrary single-photon states. E. R. Jeffrey, N. A. Peters and P. G. Kwiat. New Journal of Physics, 2004. [ DOI | pdf ]
High efficiency single photon detection via frequency up-conversion. A. P. VanDevender and P. G. Kwiat. Journal of Modern Optics, 2004. [ DOI | pdf ]
Benchmarking and Procrustean noise reduction of entangled mixed states. N. A. Peters, T.-C. Wei, and P. G. Kwiat. Proc. SPIE 5468, p. 269-281, Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics II, Peter Heszler, Ed., 2004. [ DOI | pdf ]
Maximally Entangled Mixed States: Creation and Concentration. N. A. Peters, J. B. Altepeter, D. Branning, E. R. Jeffrey, T.-C. Wei, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review Letters, 2004. [ DOI | pdf ]
Optical technologies for quantum information science. P. G. Kwiat and J. B. Altepeter. Proceedings of SPIE, 2004. [ DOI | pdf ]
Delayed-choice quantum cryptography. E. R. Jeffrey. Proceedings of SPIE, 2004. [ DOI | pdf ]
Experimental Investigation of a Two-Qubit Decoherence-Free Subspace. J. B. Altepeter, P. G. Hadley, S. M. Wendelken, A. J. Berglund and P. G. Kwiat. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2004. [ DOI | pdf ]
High-efficiency single-photon detection via frequency up-conversion. A. P. VanDevender, and P. G. Kwiat. J. Mod. Opt. 51, 1433, 2004. [ DOI | pdf ]
Ancilla-assisted quantum process tomography. J. B. Altepeter, D. Branning, E. R. Jeffrey, T.-C. Wei, P. G. Kwiat, R. Thew, J. L. O'Brien, M. Nielsen, and A. G. White. Physical Review Letters, 2003. [ DOI | pdf ]
Maximal entanglement versus entropy for mixed quantum states. T.-C. Wei, K. Nemoto, P. Goldbart, P. G. Kwiat, W. J. Munro, and F. Verstraete. Physical Review A, 2003. [ DOI | pdf ]
Atomic-Vapor-Based High Efficiency Optical Detectors with Photon Number Resolution. D. F. V. James and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review Letters, 2002. [ DOI | pdf ]
Entangled-photon six-state quantum cryptography. D. G. Enzer and P. G. Hadley. New Journal of Physics, 2002. [ DOI | pdf ]
Exploring Hilbert space: Accurate characterization of quantum information. A. G. White, D. F. V. James, W. J. Munro, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review A, 2001. [ DOI | pdf ]
Measurement of qubits. D. F. V. James, P. G. Kwiat, W. J. Munro, and A. G. White. Physical Review A, 2001. [ DOI | pdf ]
Quantum optics - Photons yield to peer pressure. P. G. Kwiat. Nature, 2001. [ DOI | pdf ]
Maximizing the entanglement of two mixed qubits. W. J. Munro, D. F. V. James, A. G. White and P. G. Kwiat. Phys. Rev. A, 2001. [ DOI | pdf ]
Experimental entanglement distillation and "hidden" non-locality. P. G. Kwiat, S. Barraza-Lopez, A. Stefanov, and N. Gisin. Nature, 2001. [ DOI | pdf ]
Experimental verification of decoherence-free subspaces. P. G. Kwiat, A. J. Berglund, J. B. Altepeter, and A. G. White. Science (New York, N.Y.), 2000. [ DOI | pdf ]
Entangled state quantum cryptography: eavesdropping on the Ekert protocol. D. S. Naik, C. G. Peterson, A. G. White, A. J. Berglund, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review Letters, 2000. [ DOI | pdf ]
The mystery of the quantum cakes. P. G. Kwiat and L. Hardy. American Journal of Physics, 1999. [ DOI | pdf ]
Nonmaximally entangled states: Production, characterization, and utilization. A. G. White, D. F. V. James, P. H. Eberhard, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review Letters, 1999. [ DOI | pdf ]
Ultra-bright source of polarization-entangled photons. P. G. P. Kwiat, E. Waks, A. G. A. White, I. Appelbaum, and P. H. Eberhard. Physical Review A, 1999. [ DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
Grover's search algorithm: An optical approach. P. G. Kwiat, J. R. Mitchell, P. D. D. Schwindt and A. G. White. Journal of Modern Optics 1999. [ DOI | arXiv | pdf ]
Optical simulation of quantum logic. N. Cerf, C. Adami, and P. G. Kwiat. Physical Review A, 1998. [ DOI | pdf ]
Secure Communications Using Quantum Cryptography. R. J. Hughes, W. T. Buttler, P. G. Kwiat, G. G. Luther, G. L. Morgan, J. E. Nordholt, C. G. Peterson, C. M. Simmons. Proceedings of SPIE 3076, Photonic Quantum Computing, 1997. [ DOI | pdf ]
Production and Uses of Hyper-Entangled States. P. G. Kwiat. Springer, Dordrecht, 1997. [ DOI | pdf ]
Polarization-Entangled Photons and Quantum Dense Coding. P. G. Kwiat, K. Mattle, H. Weinfurter, and A. Zeilinger. Optics and Photonics News, 1996. [ DOI | pdf ]
Quantum Seeing in the Dark. H. Weinfurter, A. Zeilinger, and P. G. Kwiat. Scientific American, 1996. [ DOI | pdf ]
Hyper-Entangled States. P. G. Kwiat. Journal of Modern Optics, 1996. [ DOI | pdf ]
Postselection-Free Energy-Time Entanglement. D. V. Strekalov, T. B. Pittman, A. V. Sergienko, Y. H. Shih, and P. G. Kwiat. Phys. Rev. A, 1996. [ DOI | pdf ]
Dense coding in experimental quantum communication. K. Mattle, H. Weinfurter, P. G. Kwiat, and A. Zeilinger. Physical review letters, 1996. [ DOI | pdf ]
Path Information in Quantum Interferometry. A. Zeilinger, T. Herzog, M. A. Horne, P. G. Kwiat, K. Mattle, and H. Weinfurter. Springer, Boston, MA, 1996. [ DOI | pdf ]
Interaction-free Measurement of a Quantum Object: On the Breeding of ‘Schrödinger Cats’. P. G. Kwiat, H. Weinfurter, and A. Zeilinger. Springer, Boston, MA, 1996. [ DOI | pdf ]
New high-intensity source of polarization-entangled photon pairs. P. P. Kwiat, K. Mattle, H. Weinfurter, A. Zeilinger, A. Sergienko, and Y. Shih. Physical Review Letters, 1995. [ DOI | pdf ]
Interaction-Free Measurement. P. Kwiat, H. Weinfurter, T. Herzog, A. Zeilinger, and M. Kasevich. Physical Review Letters, 1995. [ DOI | pdf ]
Absolute efficiency and time-response measurement of single-photon detectors. P. G. Kwiat, A. M. Steinberg, R. Y. Chiao, P. H. Eberhard, and M. D. Petroff. Applied optics, 1994. [ DOI | pdf ]
High-efficiency single-photon detectors. P. G. Kwiat, A. M. Steinberg, and R. Y. Chiao. Physical Review A, 1993. [ DOI | pdf ]
High-visibility interference in a Bell-inequality experiment for energy and time. P. G. Kwiat, A. M. Steinberg, and R. Y. Chiao. Physical Review A, 1993. [ DOI | pdf ]
Observation of a "quantum eraser": A revival of coherence in a two-photon interference experiment. P. G. Kwiat, A. M. Steinberg, and R. Y. Chiao. Physical Review A, 1992. [ DOI | pdf ]
Observation of a nonclassical Berry's phase for the photon. P. G. P. Kwiat and R. Y. R. Chiao. Physical review letters, 1991. [ DOI | pdf ]